Rapidly approaching the start of another Carbine/Subgun Instructor Course. I like teaching this class because most of the time the agency sends their better shooters. AS such, ususlaly not much to teach as far as running the guns goes. Little tweaks, a little expanded info on the gun, a few thoughts on running ranges.
Here is the interesting and often forgotten part of this class. The whole thing, start to finish, is meant to be an INSTRUCTOR course. So my expectation and my thought behind the class is that you spend every minute thinking about how YOU will set up your user programs for NEW shooters! I know you can shoot good, I’M NOT IMPRESSED!!!
You should be refining and fine tuning your ability to deliver material so the student gets its. You should be taking notes on what I do well during the class, and what I suck at so you dont do the same. Instead of shooting my standards drills and then clapping your self on the back, recognize that my standard may be too low for you, or maybe too high for your agency. What will you do to change them so they work for your students.
This class is truly more about teaching others to shoot than your shooting ability. ALL of us miss shots during the week. All of us will flub a reload, drop a magazine, or whatever. No big deal. We cannto afford to miss the mark when it comes to the students and the information we are trying to pass on. Their very lives may depend on the information we are trying to relay. Being an “Instructor” is more than a red shirt and a whistle.
As always, sorry for the typos.